
Iannino, V.; Colla, V.; Maddaloni, A.; Brandenburger, J.; Rajabi, A.; Wolff, A.; Ordieres, J.; Gutierrez, M.; Sirovnik, E.; Mueller, D.; Schirm, C.: A Hybrid Approach for Improving the Flexibility of Production Scheduling in Flat Steel Industry. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, pre-publication, 2022, DOI 10.3233/ICA-220685. download Details.

Sirovnik, E.: Methode für die Echtzeit-Prognose von Produktionskennzahlen zur multi- kriteriellen Maschinenbelegungsplanung für eine flexible Fließfertigung in der Stahlindustrie. In: Rabe, M.; Scheidler, A.-A. (eds.): Drei Dutzend Jahre Simulationstechnik - Festkolloquium September 2022. Göttingen: Cuvillier 2022, pp. 27-28. download SR_04_Festkolloquium.pdf

Iannino, V.; Colla, V.; Maddaloni, A.; Brandenburger, J.; Rajabi, A.; Wolff, A.; Ordieres, J.; Gutierrez, M.; Sirovnik, E.; Mueller, D.; Schirm, C.: Improving the Flexibility of Production Scheduling in Flat Steel Production through Standard and AI-Based Approaches: Challenges and Perspectives. In: Maglogiannis, I.; Macintyre, J.; Iliadis, L. (eds.): Artificial Inteligence Application and Innovations, 17th IFIP WG 12.5 International Conference AIAI. Cham: Springer Nature 2021, pp. 619-632. download Details.

Sirovnik, E.; Brandenburger, J.; Rabe, M.: Considering Surface Inspection Results for Multi-objective Production Scheduling in the Dynamic Environment of the Flat Steel Industry, Conference presentation at Surface Inspection Summit SIS.EUROPE 2021, 9th-11th November 2021, Aachen, Germany. Details.

Sirovnik, E.; Schirm, E.C.; Müller, D.; Rabe, M.; Brandenburger, J.; Rajabi, A.; Wolff, A.; Ordieres, J.; Gutierrez, M.; Colla, V.; Iannino, V.; Maddaloni, A.: Implementation of Multi-objective Production Scheduling in the Dynamic Environment of the Flat Steel Industry. 5th European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD), Stockholm, August 30th-September 2nd, 2021. Details.