Gutenschwager, K.; Chicaiza Vaca, J.L.; Rabe, M.: Comparing Direct Deliveries and Automated Parcel Locker Systems with Respect to Overall CO2 Emissions for the Last Mile. Algorithms 17 (2024) 4, DOI: 10.3390/a17010004.
Gutenschwager, K.; Rabe, M.; Kuhl, M,; Chicaiza-Vaca: J.L.: Retail. In: Rabe, M.; von Viebahn, C.; Straßburger, S.; Wenzel, S. (eds.): Energy-related Material Flow Simulation in Production and Logistics. Cham: Springer International, 2024, pp. 117-140.
Rabe, M.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.L.; Gonzalez-Feliu, J.: The Deployment of Automated Parcel Lockers in Urban Logistics: Notions, Planning Principles, and Applications. In; Polat, O.; Gülhan, G, (eds.): Theories and Practices for Sustainable Urban Logistics. IGI Global 2024, pp. 65-86.
Rabe, M.; Tordecilla, R. D.; do C. Martins, L.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.; Juan, A. A.: Supporting Hospital Logistics During the First Months of the COVID-19 Crisis: A Simheuristic for the Stochastic Team Orienteering Problem. In: Kim, S.; Feng, B.; Smith, K.; Masoud, S.; Zheng, Z.; Szabo, C.; Loper, M.: (eds,): Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway: IEEE 2021, DOI 10.1109/WSC52266.2021.9715337.
Rabe, M.;Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu, J.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.; Tordecilla, R. D.:Simulation-Optimization Approach for Multi-Period Facility Location Problems with Forecasted and Random Demands in a Last-Mile Logistics Application. Algorithms 14(2021), Artikel 41.
Serrano-Hernandez, A.: Martinez-Abad, S.; Ballano, A.; Faulin, J.; Rabe, M.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.: A Case Study in Pamplona (Spain): In: Kim, S.; Feng, B.; Smith, K.; Masoud, S.; Zheng, Z.; Szabo, C.; Loper, M.: (eds,): Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Piscataway: IEEE 2021, DOI 10.1109/WSC52266.2021.9715335.
Chicaiza-Vaca J.; Gonzalez-Feliu, J.; Rabe, M.: Capacity Dynamics of Automated Parcel Lockers as a Last-Mile Delivery Scheme. Journée de Recherche Supply Chain & Innovation, La Rochelle, 27th November 2020.
Rabe, M.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.: Concept for a Simulation-Optimization Procedure Model for Automated Parcel Lockers as an Urban Logistics Solution: A Case Study in the City of Dortmund. In: 13th International Conference of Research in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (RIRL), 7.-9. Oktober 2020
Rabe, M.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.; González-Feliu, J.: System Behavior for Automated Parcel Lockers as an Urban Logistics Delivery Scheme. The 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Bergen (Norway), July 19.-23. Juli, 2020.
Rabe, M.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.; Tordecilla, R. D.; Juan, A. A.: A Simulation-Optimization Approach for Locating Automated Parcel Lockers in Urban Logistics Operations. In: Bae, K.-H.; Feng, B.; Kim, S.; Lazarova-Molnar, S.; Zheng, Z.; Roeder, T.; Thiesing, R. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2020, pp. 1230-1241.
Rabe, M. Ammouriova, M.; Schmitt, D.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.: An Approach for Reducing the Search Space for Simheuristics Applications in Logistics Networks in Trading. In: Putz, M.; Schlegel, A. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2019. Auerbach: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Skripten 2019, pp. 335-344.
Rabe, M.;Chicaiza-Vaca, J.: A Simulation-Optimization Model of Automated Parcel Lockers on Macro and Micro Planning Levels. In: Mustafee, N.; Bae, K.-H.: Lazarova-Molnar, S.; Rabe, M.; Szabo, C.; Haas, P.; Son, Y.-S., (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference, PhD Colloquium. Picataway: IEEE 2019.
Aquino, R.; Baran, B.; Lopez-Pires, F.; Sandoya, F.; Chicaiza, J.: A Novel Multi-Objective Two-Echelon Green Location-Routing Problem from a City Government Perspective. Congreso Internacional de Ciencias de la Computación y Sistemas de Información (CICCSI 2017), Mendoza, (Argentina,) 13-17 November 2017.
Eitzen, H.; Lopez-Pires, F.; Baran, B.; Sandoya, F.; Chicaiza, J.L.: A Multi-objective Two-echelon Vehicle Routing Problem. An Urban Goods Movement Approach for Smart City Logistics, In Proceedings XLIII Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI), Cordoba (Argentina), 4th-8th September 2017, DOI: 10.1109/CLEI.2017.8226454.