
Wuttke, A.; Hunker, J.; Rabe, M.: LogFarm: An Open Source Graph-based Simulator for Logistics Networks. SNE 34 (2024) 1, S. 43-50. download Details.

Wuttke, A.; Hunker,J,; Rabe, M.; Diepenbrock, J.-P.: Estimating Parameters with Data Farming for Condition-based Maintenance in a Digital Twin. In: Corlu, C.G.; Hunter, S.R.; Lam, H.; Onggo, S.; Shortle, J.; Biller, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2023. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE 2023, pp. 1641-1652. download Details.

Wuttke, A.; Hunker, J.; Scheidler, A. A.; Rabe, M.: Synthetic Demand Generation with Seasonality for Data Mining on a Data-Farmed Data Basis of a Two-Echelon Supply Chain. Procedia Computer Science 204 (2022), pp. 226-234 download Details.

Rabe, M.; Klüter, A.; Wuttke, A.: Evaluating the Consolidation of Distribution Flows Using a Discrete Event Supply Chain Simulation Tool: Application to a Case Study in Greece. . In: Rabe, M,; Juan, A.A.; Mustafee, N.; Skoogh, A.; Jain, S.; Johansson, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2018, pp. 2815-2826. download Details.

Rabe, M.; Dross, F.; Wuttke, A: Combining a Discrete-event Simulation Model of a Logistics Network with Deep Reinforcement Learning. In: Duarte, A.; Juan, A.A.; Mélian, B.; Ramalhinho, H. (eds.): Metaheuristics: Proceeding of the MIC and MAEB 2017 Conferences, Barcelona, July 4th-7th, 2017, pp. 765-774. download Rabe_Dross_Proceedings_MIC-MAEB_2017.pdf Details.