Rabe, M.; Ammouriova, M.; Schmitt, D.; Dross, F.: Simheuristics Approaches for Efficient Decision-Making Support in Materials Trading Networks. Algorithms 14(2021), article 23.
Rabe, M. Ammouriova, M.; Schmitt, D.; Chicaiza-Vaca, J.: An Approach for Reducing the Search Space for Simheuristics Applications in Logistics Networks in Trading. In: Putz, M.; Schlegel, A. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2019. Auerbach: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Skripten 2019, pp. 335-344.
Rabe, M.; Schmitt, D.: Domain-specific Language for Modeling and Simulating Actions in Logistics Networks. In: Mustafee, N.; Bae, K.-H.: Lazarova-Molnar, S.; Rabe, M.; Szabo, C.; Haas, P.; Son, Y.-S., (eds.): Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2019, pp. 1579-1590.
Rabe, M,; Schmitt, D.; Klüter, A.; Hunker, J.: Decoupling the Modeling of Actions in Logistics Networks from the Underlying Simulation Data Model. In: Clausen, U.;.Langkau, S.; Kreuz, F.: (eds.): Advances in Production, Logistics and Traffic. Proceedings of the 4th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT) 2019. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 32-44. Details.
Schmitt, D.: Grammar of a Domain-Specific Language for Modeling and Simulating Actions in Wholesale Logistics Networks
Rabe, M.; Ammouriova, M., Schmitt, D.: Utilizing Domain-specific Information for the Optimization of Logistics Networks. In: Rabe, M,; Juan, A.A.; Mustafee, N.; Skoogh, A.; Jain, S.; Johansson, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2018, pp. 2873-2884.
Rabe, M.; Schmitt, D.; Ammouriova, M.: Improving the Performance of a Logistics Assistance System for Materials Trading Networks by Grouping Similar Actions. In: Rabe, M,; Juan, A.A.; Mustafee, N.; Skoogh, A.; Jain, S.; Johansson, B. (eds.): Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2018, pp. 2861-2872.
Rabe, M.; Schmitt, D.; Ammouriova, M.: Utilizing Domain-specific Information in Decision Support for Logistics Networks. 6th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics, Bremen, 20th-22nd February 2018, w/o page numbers. Details.
Rabe, M.; Dross, F.; Schmitt, D.; Ammouriova, M.; Ipsen, C.: Decision Support for Logistics Networks in Materials Trading Using a Simheuristic Framework and User-generated Action Types. In: Wenzel, S.; Peter, T. (eds.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2017. Kassel: kassel university press 2017, pp. 109-118.
Rabe, M.; Schmitt, D., Dross, F.: Method to Model Actions for Discrete-event Simulations of Logistics Networks. In: Chan, W.K.V.; D'Ambrogio, A.; Zacharewicz,G.; Mustafee,N.; Wainer, G.; Page, E (eds.): Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2017, pp. 3370-3381.
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